Saturday, March 6, 2010

The past three weeks, a few photos.

Hey everyone!

I realize that the blog has been fairly void of pictures lately. For that I apologize but, frankly, its not always easy uploading photos. Here's few to get us going.

James Nowell holding up the power point presentation for Rentia Reed
when our generator (and therefore projector) cut out.

For more photos of what I've been up to recently check out my Picasa page

Charlesetta Fneah (Charlie) ((Chah-lay)) signing in guest for LEAD's Montserrado County conference.

However, here's a few shots from the last three weeks or so when LEAD hosted a number of international guests who were coming to tap into various aspects of what we are doing here. It was also when LEAD hosted four micro-conferences in four of our six counties. The theme of the conferences was 'Gaining the Edge with Customer Satisfaction' and we also covered Business As Mission (BAM). Anywho, it was great fun tromping around Liberia for a bit, getting to know our international visitors, and discussing with over 450 Liberian businessowners the importance of customer service for business growth.

Mamadee Konneh, myself, his brother Chemo, their business partner Sheik Bongay and Dick Ammons at Mamadee Konneh United Blacksmith Shop.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Property for only $350,000? What a deal! Thanks margarito...
