Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sporadic Random Thoughts

That's my new policy toward blogging. I honestly wish I could use Twitter from Liberia... maybe I'll see if we can pull some strings and make it happen. The reason for saying so is that I think I'd be more motivated if I could put thoughts to the blog as they come to me. Perhaps I need a notepad for that type of thing. Nah, probably not my style.

Here's a few thoughts that passed between my ears in the past two months of being home:

More than ever I'm sure that Liberians and Americans are more intrinsically alike that we think. Only situations and histories shape our behaviors and thought patterns. The histories that have shaped us can't be altered, but the context of our current behaviors can. When 60mph winds blow out power on 28th street, Grand Rapidian drivers prove themselves to be just as inwardly motivated as Liberian ones. And I'm pretty sure that if it weren't for fear of tickets from the authorities or scorn from onlookers, we'd be driving in the sidewalks and turning lanes too.

The fall in Michigan is fantastic!

I LOVE being able to choose between more than Heinenken and Club beers. Wow.

I love visiting Ontario, and my amazing friends there.

America has an amazing middle class. In Liberia there are poles of very poor and very rich with, quite honestly, not much in-between, especially when I compare it to other developing countries I've visited. Its refreshing to see an economy where regular Janes and Joes can make a respectable living through regular types of meaningful work.

I asked Allen what his most and least favorite things were about America. I can't give justice to his full answer, but I'll paraphrase.


-Government support of private enterprise. During Allen's time in Grand Rapids, Baltimore, New York and DC, he was thoroughly impressed by the support structures that the American government has put in place to facilitate entrepreneurs in their endeavors.

-Work ethic. Americans find work to be rewarding, and there's honor in it, even in non-glamorous work. It drives the country forward.


-Abuse of freedom. Americans tend to think their own personal freedom can extend overtop of other individuals personal freedoms.

-Time. Americans have no sense of the real value of time: spending it! Despite all of our modern conveniences we never have enough of it, and we're always rushing, rarely spending enough time to develop those important relationships.

I suggested the lack of good Liberian food, but he politely suggested that with the aid of Chinese buffets, he'd be able to swing it for extended periods. Perhaps we'd just need to import some peppa' sauce.


Now for a few photos:
A quick 30 hour layover in Brussels on the way back to check out the sites.

At home in St. Marys, Ontario with my parents!
Dinner meeting with members of the West Africa team during the Partners Worldwide conference.
No ALL work. My boss Allen in the US for the first time, so Craig's Cruisers was in order.


I'm headed back Nov. 16. I'll first be flying through Accra for a few days of meetings and reuniting with my favorite open air bar on the University of Ghana's campus, but then its on to Liberia. The next six months will be similar to the past year, with some different focuses, but stay tuned for the next post when I'll offer more insights on that.


  1. Yay I'm glad you're blogging again! Its nice for us to see what you're up to! especially now that we have one too :)

  2. Wow, I didn't know you had a blog. Just checked it out. Very cool.

  3. Love the random thoughts, Derek! The go kart picture is priceless! So great :)
