Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Layout..

Blogger seems to have been struggling lately. First it deleted posts from the previous few days, and then it somehow deleted my header photo. I couldn't fix it, so I thought a little change is always good. The new photo is one I took of the Freeport of Monrovia last fall when a few of us took a chopper tour of the capital.

Yesterday I went to my last LEAD Board meeting (and took a photo). Much thanks to all of them for their dedication to the work of LEAD. With only 23 days until I leave and 25 days until I get home I'm starting to have my 'lasts'. Tonight will be my last burrito night with friends, at some point I'll have my last surf, maybe I'll have another last road trip, a last barge cruise, a last day of work, and a goodbye to friends. I'm starting to feel a bit nostalgic, but I'm eager to get home too.

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