Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Training of Trainers (ToT)

Last week I held a two-day training for all of LEAD's Program Mangers. Its one of the final steps to ensure the work I've been doing on LEAD's mentoring program will continue on into the future. As of the next round of LEAD's business training course (July) the 12 section mentoring handbook will be taught side-by-side with the 12 week business training curriculum. Then, class attendees will be matched with mentors, either from within their same class, graduates of previous classes, other Liberian business professionals or with mentors from elsewhere in West Africa or North America.

The training went well. We covered the twelve sections of the handbook and all of the surrounding protocol, we made some important policy decisions together and planned for the implementation of the program. Despite buying loads of energy drinks, iced coffees and cans of pop there were still some dozers, but overall I was quited pleased. My fellow IDS grads will be pleased to hear that the 'Appreciative Inquiry' method was put to good use... love it!

The current and first round of the mentoring program is steadily moving along in Montserrado County (home of Monrovia, and our national office) and Monday and Tuesday we made the mentor/entrepreneur matches for the first group. Today will be week 10 of the class when we teach week 10 of the business curriculum, teach week 10 of the mentoring handbook, announce who has been matched in mentoring relationships, and set aside some time for them to have their first official mentoring meeting.

I'm noticing my last post was regarding having tested positive for malaria and Typhoid. I ended up testing positive for malaria again the week after, then for Typhoid again a week after that, and then for both of them a few days after that. In any case, I've taken more pills that I can count, and even some IVs but I think I've kicked it. I mostly feel tired after having fought off so much illness this past month. Sooner or later I'll go for another follow-up test and hope it comes back negative.

Finally, for those wondering, yes the party barge, ahem, river raft is operational! Last weekend we had 15 people, and I still think we could have a few more. We motored up the river and celebrated a friend's birthday with a South African 'poike' hot pot on the bbq, some drinks, fishing, swimming and floating around on tubes.

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